An Alternative to Using Ozempic for Weight Loss
Shelley Jensen Shelley Jensen

An Alternative to Using Ozempic for Weight Loss

We now have reputable news outlets reporting that diabetes medications like Ozempic should be used to “treat” obesity. Research is being conducted on specific populations and then generalized that everyone can safely use Ozempic to suppress their appetites. And diabetes drugs are becoming common conversation topics at dinnertime (and any time). 

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Q&A with Shelley Jensen
Shelley Jensen Shelley Jensen

Q&A with Shelley Jensen

By the time I was 8 years old, I weighed over 100 pounds. By 13, I was 185 pounds. By 15, I was 230 pounds. And by 21, I was over 270 pounds. During those years, I tried desperately to lose weight, playing many games with myself. If I promised not to eat for a week, then I could have all the ice cream I wanted. If I could just learn to purge, then it wouldn’t count. And so the cycle continued.  

In my 33-year journey of recovery, I lost 135 pounds of pain, insecurity, fear, obsession, panic and self-loathing, and finally reclaimed my lost self.  

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